Class MotorSettingsInterface


maxForceLimit: number

Maximum force to apply in case of a linear constraint. Not used when motor is an angular motor.

Default Value

+Infinity (N)
maxTorqueLimit: number = Number.MAX_VALUE

Maximum torque to apply in case of a angular constraint. Not used when motor is a position motor.

Default Value

-Infinity (N m)
minForceLimit: number

Minimum force to apply in case of a linear constraint. Not used when motor is an angular motor.

Default Value

-Infinity (N)
minTorqueLimit: number = -Number.MAX_VALUE

Minimum torque to apply in case of a angular constraint. Not used when motor is a position motor.

Default Value

-Infinity (N m)
springSettings: null | SpringSettings

Settings for the spring that is used to drive to the position target (not used when motor is a velocity motor).

Default Value
