Class JoltInitSettingsInterface

An options object to configure Jolt Physics backend. All options are optional.


allowCommandsBufferResize: boolean

Specifies, if CommandsBuffer can be resized, when it is full. On every frame the buffer starts writing from the beginning, so it has a full capacity available for it. If there is more data that needs to be written than the initial size specified with commandsBufferSize, then it will grow by 50% of the current size and try to write it again. It will never shrink down, and will remain at the new size until it has to grow again.

If this is set to false, the growth becomes forbidden and the commands that did not fit into the buffer will be ignored. Generally, 10kb is enough to move about 100-150 primitive objects every frame.

Default Value

allowSleeping: boolean

Specifies if objects can go to sleep or not.

Note, you can specify it on each object individually with BodyComponent.allowSleeping.

Default Value

baumgarte: number

Baumgarte stabilization factor (how much of the position error to "fix" in 1 update):

  • 0: nothing
  • 1: 100%

Default Value

0.2 (dimensionless)
bitFiltering: null | number[]

Enables objects filtering using group and mask bits, similar to Bullet, Rapier, etc. If provided, it will disable default filtering. Uses group bits and mask bits to find collision pairs. Two layers can collide if and object2.mask is non-zero and and object1.mask is non-zero.

Default Jolt build uses 16 bits for group filtering. In case you need more groups, you can compile it with additional flag to enable 32 bits. Refer to official Jolt documentation for building details.

Group - an object group the object belongs to. Mask - object groups the object can collide with.

To enable the bits filtering, you should provide an array of numbers, where elements are read in pairs:

  • Each pair forms a new broadphase layer.
  • First element of the pair are the groups to be included in that layer.
  • Second element of the pair are the groups to be excluded from that layer.


// Layer that objects can be in, determines which other objects it can collide with
// Typically you at least want to have 1 layer for moving bodies and 1 layer for static bodies, but you can have more
// layers if you want.
const GROUP_STATIC = 1;
const GROUP_FLOOR1 = 2;
const GROUP_FLOOR2 = 4;
const GROUP_FLOOR3 = 8;

// init physics
await init(app, {
fixedStep: 1 / 30,
// ... other options,

// Each pair in array is a broadphase layer: [included groups, excluded groups]
bitFiltering: [

// create floor that collides with everything
floorEntity.addComponent('body', {

// create a dynamic body that collides with a floor GROUP_FLOOR2
dynamicEntity.addComponent('body', {
group: GROUP_FLOOR2,

Default Value

bodyPairCacheCosMaxDeltaRotationDiv2: number

Maximum relative delta orientation for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last update, stored as

cos(max angle / 2)

Default Value

0.9998476951563912 (radians)
bodyPairCacheMaxDeltaPositionSq: number

Maximum relative delta position for body pairs to be able to reuse collision results from last update.

Default Value

Math.sqrt(0.001) (meter^2)
broadPhaseLayers: number[]

Array of unique integer numbers, representing the broadphase layers. For additional details, refer to Jolt's documentation: Collision Detection.

Default Value

charContactEventsEnabled: boolean

If false, characters will not emit contact events, which saves performance (no additional JS callback calls from Wasm).

Default Value

checkActiveEdges: boolean

When false, we prevent collision against non-active (shared) edges.

Default Value

commandsBufferSize: number

Initial size of the CommandsBuffer in bytes.

Default Value

10000 (10kb)
constraintWarmStart: boolean

Whether or not to use warm starting for constraints (initially applying previous frames impulses).

Default Value

contactEventsEnabled: boolean

If false, bodies will not emit contact events, which saves performance (no additional JS callback calls from Wasm).

Default Value

contactPointPreserveLambdaMaxDistSq: number

Maximum allowed distance between old and new contact point to preserve contact forces for warm start.

Default Value

Math.sqrt(0.01) (meter^2)
contactPoints: boolean

If true, the collision result of two bodies will include the contact points. If you don't need the exact points of collision (e.g. if it is enough to simply know if and which bodies collided, but not at which point in world space), you should disable it to save some CPU work.

Default Value

contactPointsAveraged: number

Ignored if contactPoints is false. If this is true, then the collision result points will be averaged into a single point. Otherwise all points from collision manifold of a body pair will be provided.

For example, a box resting on a floor:

  • false: will generate 4 contact points, one per each vertex of the box touching the floor.
  • true: will generate 1 contact point in the middle of 4 vertices of the box.

Default Value

debugColorDynamic: any

Line color of the dynamic objects during a debug draw.

Default Value

debugColorKinematic: any

Line color of the kinematic objects during a debug draw.

Default Value

debugColorStatic: any

Line color of the static objects during a debug draw.

Default Value

debugDrawLayerId: number

The PlayCanvas Layer ID, where to debug draw lines.

Default Value

deterministicSimulation: boolean

Makes the simulation deterministic at the cost of performance. Simulation runs faster, if determinism is disabled.

Default Value

fixedStep: number

A fixed time intervals to update physics simulation at. Affects performance, so try to set it as large as possible (fewer updates per second), until you start getting collision and motion artifacts. Generally, 1/30 (30 updates per second) is a good option.

Default Value

linearCastMaxPenetration: number

Fraction of its inner radius a body may penetrate another body for the MOTION_QUALITY_LINEAR_CAST of a BodyComponent.motionQuality.

Default Value

linearCastThreshold: number

Fraction of its inner radius a body must move per step to enable casting for the MOTION_QUALITY_LINEAR_CAST of a BodyComponent.motionQuality.

Default Value

manifoldToleranceSq: number

Max squared distance to use to determine if two points are on the same plane for determining the contact manifold between two shape faces.

Default Value

1.0e-6 (meter^2)
mapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer: number[]

Array of non-unique integers, representing of one-to-one map of object layer to broadphase layer. Each object layer can only belong to one and only one broadphase layer.

For example, an array [0, 0, 1, 1] means that an object layer 0 belongs to broadphase layer 0, and object layer 1 belongs to broadphase layer 1.

For additional details, refer to Jolt's documentation: Collision Detection.

Default Value

(0, 0, 1, 1)
maxInFlightBodyPairs: number

Size of body pairs array, corresponds to the maximum amount of potential body pairs that can be in flight at any time. Setting this to a low value will use less memory inside Wasm (no change on JS heap), but slow down simulation as threads may run out of narrow phase work.

Note, that you would need a custom Wasm build to support multi-threading. Refer to Jolt's build section for details.

Default Value

maxPenetrationDistance: number

Maximum distance to correct in a single iteration when solving position constraints.

Default Value

0.2 (meters)
maxSkippedSteps: number

Maximum number of physics updates we allow to fast-forward. For example, if we switch a browser tab, the main thread will pause. Once the app comes back to focus, the delta time from the last update will be large. The system will try to catch up the missed time by looping the physics update until the accumulated time is exhausted.

This setting effectively clamps the missed time, so the resulting delta time is small on resume. For example, if we missed 1000 updates, and this setting is set to 5, then once application resumes, the system will run 5 updates before continuing running updates as usual.

It is difficult to advice on a good number, as it depends on fixedStep, subSteps, and others. Probably 2-5 is a good range to start with. Keep it low and experiment with your app switching tabs. The lower this number is the better.

Default Value

minVelocityForRestitution: number

Minimal velocity needed before a collision can be elastic.

Default Value

1 (m/s)
numPositionSteps: number

Number of solver position iterations to run.

Default Value

numVelocitySteps: number

Number of solver velocity iterations to run. Note that this needs to be >= 2 in order for friction to work (friction is applied using the non-penetration impulse from the previous iteration).

Default Value

objectLayerPairs: number[]

Array of non-unique integers, representing pairs of object layers. Objects that belong to one of the layers in the pair are allowed to collide. For additional details, refer to Jolt's documentation: Collision Detection.

For example: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2] - means three pairs of layers [0, 1], [2, 0] and [2, 2]:

  • Objects that belong to layer 0 can collide with layer 1 and 2.
  • Objects that belong to layer 1 can only collide with layer 0.
  • Objects that belong to layer 2 can collide with layer 0 and with other objects in the same layer 2.

Default Value

([0, 1, 1, 1])
penetrationSlop: number

How much bodies are allowed to sink into each other.

Default Value

0.02 (meters)
pointVelocitySleepThreshold: number

Velocity of points on bounding box of object below which an object can be considered sleeping.

Default Value

0.03 (m/s)
speculativeContactDistance: number

Radius around objects inside which speculative contact points will be detected. Note that if this is too big you will get ghost collisions as speculative contacts are based on the closest points during the collision detection step which may not be the actual closest points by the time the two objects hit.

Default Value

0.02 (meters)
stepListenerBatchesPerJob: number

How many step listener batches are needed before spawning another job (set to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, if no parallelism is desired).

Note, that you would need a custom Wasm build to support multi-threading. Refer to Jolt's build section for details.

Default Value

stepListenersBatchSize: number

How many PhysicsStepListeners to notify in 1 batch.

Note, that you would need a custom Wasm build to support multi-threading. Refer to Jolt's build section for details.

Default Value

subSteps: number

A number of sub-steps per single fixedStep. Affects performance, so try to keep it low. Increasing the number of substeps will make constraints feel stronger and collisions more rigid.

Default Value

timeBeforeSleep: number

Time before object is allowed to go to sleep.

Default Value

0.5 (seconds)
useBodyPairContactCache: boolean

Whether or not to use the body pair cache, which removes the need for narrow phase collision detection when orientation between two bodies didn't change.

Default Value

useLargeIslandSplitter: boolean

If we split up large islands into smaller parallel batches of work (to improve performance).

Note, that you would need a custom Wasm build to support multi-threading. Refer to Jolt's build section for details.

Default Value

useManifoldReduction: boolean

Whether or not to reduce manifolds with similar contact normals into one contact manifold.

Default Value

useMotionStates: boolean

If true, enables the use of motion states for all physical objects that support it. When disabled, the position of an object is updated once a physics update completes (which happens at fixedStep intervals). If the browser refresh rate is faster than fixedStep, the object will visibly "stutter" while moving. To make its motion smooth, you can make fixedStep smaller to match the browser refresh rate (expensive) or use this motion state option.

When enabled, the system will interpolate the object's position and rotation, based on its current velocities. It effectively "guesses" the isometry of an object at the next frame, until the real physics update happens.

Default Value

useSharedArrayBuffer: boolean

If true, tries to use a Shared Array Buffer (SAB) for the CommandsBuffer. If SAB is not supported, or false is set, then falls back to Array Buffer.

Default Value

useWebWorker: boolean

If true, tries to run the physics backend in a Web Worker. If the Web Worker is not supported, or this option is set to false, will fall back to main thread.

Note, that some features, like debug draw, are disabled, when using Web Worker.

Default Value

vehicleContactEventsEnabled: boolean

If false, vehicles will not emit contact events, which saves performance (no additional JS callback calls from Wasm).

Default Value
